Are men allowed to wear bermuda shorts?
Are men allowed to wear bermuda shorts?
Men’s ‘satar’ – the part of the body that must remain covered in the presence of others – is the part between navel and knees. If your shorts cover it, you can wear them.
However, what I have mentioned is just the law. Practically, one should follow, apart from the law, the norms of the society as well. For instance, it is a part of the custom of our society that we don’t like men to be in shorts, even though bermudas, in the presence of women. Islam would expect a good Muslim to respect that convention as well. On the other hand, in some of the Pakistani villages, that convention doesn’t seem to be applicable, especially in summers. The ‘dhotis’ used by men are sometimes perilously short. They should, therefore, ensure that their ‘dhotis’ don’t get shorter than the minimum requirements of men’s dress.