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Apparent Contradiction in Quran

I read these two verses, there seems an apparent contradiction.
Those who believe (in the Quran), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness,- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (5:69)
If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah., never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good). (3:85)
Can you clarify?
I read in the commentary that the verse 5:69 was over ruled by the verse 3:85. Is this possible that Quran’s one verse can over-rule, or contradict in other words, another verse.


My understanding of these two verses doesn’t make them appear contradictory. The first verse is stating that whoever believes in God and the hereafter and does good deeds shall enter the paradise. The other one says that whoever demonstrates any religious attitude other than submission to God, it shall not be accepted from him.
While in the first verse the minimum expectations for success have been mentioned, in the second one the result of satisfying those conditions has been mentioned. The one who truly believes in Allah and the hereafter and does good deeds would certainly submit to God.
The formal religion Islam, if properly presented and understood, is the ultimate form and end result of submission to God. If it is properly presented, all humans with a spirit of submission to God would formally become Muslims. If it is improperly presented, good people would resort to the message they deem to be the closest to bringing them to the spirit of submission.
The question whether people who were non-Muslims would be held responsible for not formally submitting to God’s purest message (Islam, the religion) or whether the poor presentation of those who were formally Muslims caused them to stay away from it would be decided by the Almighty who has knowledge of everything and who is the best judge.
It is not our prerogative to decide that a certain verse of the Quran has been abrogated or not. Only Allah can declare in the Quran that it has happened. It is not an individual’s choice to do so merely on the basis of the fact that, to him, two Quranic verses didn’t appear consistent with each other. One should try to find out the binding link between two apparently inconsistent verses or admit that he has not been to understand their correct meanings instead of claiming casually that a verse stood abrogated in the Quran.