How to get Barakah in life
The life is tense everywhere and the time is flying. There is no barakah / Barkat anywhere anymore. Depression is at its peak in Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
In my 6 years of married life, I and my wife, both have failed totally to fix our relationship after several repeated attempts. We both want to keep our family together but something somewhere somehow keeps getting out of hands. Self training, self improving, fear of God is all there but the result is not much different.
From where will we find barakah in life? Is there any particular Sunnah of Rasul we should adopt, any particular ayat(s) of Quran, any authentic hadith for guidance and understanding purposes?
Please advise!
Barakah in life doesn’t come by asking for it. It’s a bonus from God Almighty for leading a purposeful life in accordance with the Almighty’s expectations. In other words, your worry should not be quite as much barakah as it should be whether we are understanding the Quran properly and following it to the best of your abilities. If you understand and follow the message of God, barakah may or may not result, but you will get the pleasure of the Almighty in this world and success in the hereafter, which is what we should be looking for.