Family The Sunnah of Islamic Marriage Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 17, 2018 Kindly expound upon the Sunnah of Islamic marriage? Answer The only Sunnah of marriage is to get the permission…
Economy Zakat on dividends Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 15, 2018 How is zakat to be paid on income and stock dividends? Answer My response to your question is based on our…
Economy Prize Bonds Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 15, 2018 What is your point of view about the purchase of Prize Bonds, and its prize money? Is it valid in Islam? Answer I…
Family Divorce: Various Issues pertaining to scenarios and conditions… Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 14, 2018 Assalam O Alaikum Please provide information on following queries , the situation is relevant to me 1. If husband…
Family To what extent should a husband correct his wife Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 12, 2018 My simple question to you is that in a husband and wife relationship, are there things that they can force on each…
Family Polygamy in Islam Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 12, 2018 I read with interest your answer to a question posed on Dec. 30th 2009 regarding polygamy, and for a woman to take…
Family Nikah with Ex-Spouse after Talaq Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 12, 2018 I divorced my wife on 21 December, 2009 orally as well as in writing. Kindly help me if the divorce has been done…
Family Does Quran Allow Husbands to Beat up Wives ? (1) Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 7, 2018 In surah Nisa (please correct me if I am wrong), the beating of women is justified. Very few scholars I have come…
Family If Islam allows husband to beat wife, How can we claim… Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 7, 2018 I am a Muslim, and I believe in Quran. I have read your answers to the questions about beating wife. 1) My first…
Women Are Women Inferior to Men in Islam? Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 7, 2018 A few years ago I saw your programme on TV and have been thinking of approaching you for advice and opinion on…