Miscellaneous The Age of Hazrat Aisha (rta) at Marriage Dr Khalid Zaheer May 7, 2018 What was the real age of Aisha when she got married to Muhammad (pbuh) ? Answer There are only two reliable…
Worship Can we donate our Qurbani (animal sacrifice) money to feed… Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 30, 2018 Can we donate our qurbani (animal sacrifice) money to go towards feeding Poor families? Answer Animal sacrifice…
Faith What will be the purpose of life in the Hereafter? Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 27, 2018 In this life, we have some aim to live, or some desires and purposes. We face sadness, and in fact, that is why we…
Economy Helping poor with money earned un-Islamically Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 23, 2018 Is it allowed for a charity organization to buy prize bond from its saving with the intention that prize money…
Miscellaneous Saying Fatihah at the graves for departed souls Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 22, 2018 We are accustomed to saying Fatihah when visiting the graves of our loved ones. Is that a wrong practice? Answer…
Quran Inclusion of some issues and not others in Quran Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 21, 2018 Some verses in the Qu’ran pertain to issues relevant at the time of the Prophet alaihissalam alone. Why were these…
Worship Offering Witr prayers in Isha vs Tahajjud Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 20, 2018 Volume 1, Book 8, Number 461: Narrated Nafi': Ibn 'Umar said, "While the Prophet was on the pulpit, a man asked…
Family Islamic stance on Abortion Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 20, 2018 I have a 5 years old boy and an 11 months girl, may God protect them from all harms, they are the center of my life…
Faith Is it wrong to say ‘Ya Muhammad’? Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 20, 2018 Why is there a conflict between the groups on saying 'Ya Muhammad' or 'Muhammad-ur-Rasul-ullah'. Is it wrong to say…
Worship Unable to offer prayers regularly Dr Khalid Zaheer Apr 20, 2018 Despite genuine desire, I have been unable to say prayers regularly. Could you help me overcome this serious…