Quran The approach that every verse of Quran has exactly one meaning Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 20, 2018 How would you justify the approach that suggests that each verse of the Quran has only one true and exact meaning…
Miscellaneous Questioning Islam Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 20, 2018 Is it something wrong that sometimes one begins to doubt the authenticity of Islam and starts taking interests in…
Worship Does Hajj become compulsory if you perform Umrah? Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 20, 2018 I believe that Hajj is compulsory for those who have the means to perform it. However, I read somewhere that once…
Faith Is Umar (ra) adding words to the morning azaan a form of good… Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 20, 2018 The word Bid'at means something which the Holy Prophet (saw) didn't do or additions made in the religion that may…
Worship Leaving all business and going for Friday / Jumma prayers on… Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 19, 2018 Are we not required to go to the mosque for Friday Prayers 'Jumma' as soon as the first Azan is said? According to…
Morality Does the knee need to be covered when wearing shorts? Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 19, 2018 I have a question regarding bermuda shorts. In fact, for any clothing. You have stated that the area between the…
Women Having e-friendship with members of the opposite sex Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 19, 2018 Your answer to relations with people of the opposite sex refers mostly to the observance of 'purdah' and the…
Economy Islamic Car Financing, Murabaha and Ijara Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 19, 2018 I have been reading about leasing schemes for a long time. For the first time in July, I read about Faisal Bank's…
Economy Is charging more on credit sales (Murabaha) permissible? Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 19, 2018 Is charging more on credit sales legally permissible in Islam? In my opinion it is taking advantage of the person…
Morality When Confronted with Differing Opinions Dr Khalid Zaheer Mar 18, 2018 Where can we get the correct Islamic responses from, given that we are confronted with various responses and…