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The Jahri and Sirri Prayers

What is the idea behind the imam reciting the surah in a louder voice during fajr, maghreb, isha prayers, but not during zuhr and asar prayers?


The Jahri prayers (when the imam recites the Quran aloud) and Sirri prayers (when he doesn’t) have both been given to us by the prophet’s, alaihissalaam, Sunnah. It seems that we need to remember Allah in a manner that sometimes is loud and sometimes is not – especially, when it comes to the recitation of Quran. Both needs of humans have been kept in view while giving us the apparent form of prayers. Moreover, it seems that louder recitation goes along with the serene mood of the darker times of the day whereas in the bustling environment of the bright day, loud recitation doesn’t fit. That’s perhaps the reason why the Almighty has decided to require us to pray in two different ways during two different forms of the day. And Allah knows the best.